Friday brought another great Brimfield excursion. Traffic was intense, but the company, weather and purchases were wonderful. It seems I've filled up the tabletop once again!
Let's start with the linens. I've admired this California Hand Prints
Fish Tail cloth for a long time, but I could never see the pink and turquoise colorways in my dining room. When I spied this yellow and lemongrass version, I knew it was the one for me.
Do check out the photos on this
Flickr page that show some of the original
Richard Koppe artwork that inspired this design. Oh to dine in that restaurant!
The Brittany fishing village cloth below continued my beloved ocean/beachy theme.
What great graphics!
Fizz approves of this part of the design.
I really love this cloth in contrast to the
New England fishing village.
I don't think this Wilendur fruit cloth has ever been washed. It's a nice compliment to this
larger version in scarlet.
A tangerine stripe for Halloween rounded out the linen purchases for this day.
I'm looking forward to using it with my
tangerine Bistro plates.
Ready to see the new pottery?
A few more bits of Riviera~
A shell planter for Rivera sea scapes~
~and a Hall nautilus tureen that I've been craving for a very long time.
Finally, I could not resist some earrings to go with some of my vintage pieces.
I especially like contemporary jewelry made from vintage findings. The mix can keep retro fresh and avoid a costume-y feel.
I hope you enjoyed my Brimfield report for this year. I won't make it back to the fields until September, but I definitely have enough treasures to hold me, don't you think? Now I have one final observation to share. For the first time, a lot of vendors had "no photographs" signs in their booths. The reason? They don't want their tents appearing on monetized blogs!