The reindeer look great with Homer Laughlin's bistro line. Mom and I found the plates on clearance at Dillard's this summer, and she gave me the bowls last year for Christmas.
The Boston tumblers are from Villeroy and Boch. The reindeer napkin rings were a thrift store find. I think they are Crate and Barrel.
Our gumdrop tree centerpiece is looking a little thin by the time of its photo op, but the missing candies are an indicator of how much the tree was enjoyed this year.
Last year my tables were all about layers of accessories to carry out this chosen theme. For example, last year I would probably have layered these placesettings with Pier One felt placemats and red velvet deer. This year I'm finding that the settings are a bit simpler. This change might be a function of practicality, since we're hosting my mom this year. Or it may be that I'm settling into a personal style that's based more on enjoying the form and color of the dishes and the design of the linens. This post is the last of my table retrospective, but I do have a few more things to share from Christmas 2011, so stay tuned!
Love the table. Don't like the "last" part.