Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Birthday, Rebecca!

Our Startex fishermen did make a second run, and on this trip they hauled in some fabulous 50's fish for our 50's Diva!

Let's take a closer look at the fish plates by Salem.

Yes, they're similiar to the Chicken of the Sea fish plates attributed to Hollydale pottery.

The Salem plates are a bit smaller, but the birthday wishes they bring to Diva Rebecca are as big as they could be!

I hope you have a wonderful day, R! You also have beautiful tables waiting for you at Elaine's and Candy's!


  1. oh what talented fishermen, D... to pull in such a lovely catch! The fifties colors are perfect for R's special day. Wonderful job!

  2. WOW! This takes my breath away. I love my divas the most!!!

  3. I like all the layers on the table! Happy birthday Rebecca!
